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Bo Reservior Restaurant

보통리 저수지 근린생활시설 신축

The project features a single-story restaurant with a view overlooking a reservoir. By taking advantage of the natural elevation difference, the lower level is utilized as a parking area. The restaurant itself is designed to maximize the panoramic views of the reservoir, with an open layout facing the water. A gracefully sloping roof ascends towards the reservoir, creating a seamless visual connection between the building's massing and the surrounding landscape, ensuring that the overall architectural form is unified and cohesive.

저수지를 조망하는 단층 레스토랑 계획안. 자연적인 고저차를 활용하여 하층부는 주차장으로 활용. 레스토랑은 저수지의 파노라마 전망을 극대화할 수 있도록 설계되었으며, 물을 향해 열린 레이아웃을 갖추도록 계획. 저수지를 향해 우아하게 상승하는 경사진 지붕은 건물의 매스와 주변 환경 사이에 매끄러운 시각적 연결을 만들어내어, 전체적인 건축 형태가 통합되고 조화롭게 보이도록 계획함.

Gross Area

2500 m²






Hwaseong City, Korea

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